Choose from either logo for your Bleacher Clock or Bleacher Plaque!

The Old

1963 - 1989

There were several varitations of drawings used between 1963 and 1989--one not shown here is the Mountaineer with the jug of moonshine.  We do have this one if you would like to use it.

The New

1990 -2010

This drawing was choosen as the "new" logo by students in 1990.  The mountaineer became more wholesome looking and is still being used today.
The original sketch was created by Rick Huck, Ephrata High School art teacher.

Either drawing engraves "outstanding!".

Even though the original appears grayish on the above representation, it engraves as well as the new.  You can choose either for your clock or plaque.  Make sure to let us know if you want the "original".  We will use the "new" unless you tell us otherwise.

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